Another Dayton Elite… in Russia!

Well, there aren’t many Daytons about but they do seem to pop up in the most interesting places.

Alexey from Russia just got in touch with some photos of his amazing Dayton Elite. Like mine it has an amalgam frame and from the components I suspect it’s a similar vintage, around 1956-7, but the decals are different from mine, more similar to Bernie’s and some other Daytons I have seen. He tells me that the bike has been in his family for many years and he received it via his grandmother. I would be fascinated to know more about how it got to Russia and when.

The condition is incredible but as he appears to work at a professional bike restoration workshop, so perhaps that is no surprise. The chrome work looks really good as do the decals and paint.

The detailing on the frame is lovely. Enjoy…

Alexey’s Dayton Elite – frame in detail

Alexey’s Dayton Elite – Head Badge

Cyclo Benelux Sport Derailleur

From looking at the derailleur, it is different from mine (Cyclo Benelux Mk 7, dating from 1957). Alexey’s appears to be a variant of the Cyclo Benelux “Sport” which was in production from 1952-1958. Thanks to Classic Lightweights for this reference.

Alexey’s Dayton Elite – Note the lugless amalgam tube joins

Alexey's Dayton Elite - Downtube Decal

Alexey’s Dayton Elite – Downtube Decal

Alexey's Dayton Elite - beautiful chrome

Alexey’s Dayton Elite – beautiful chrome



Alexey's Dayton - All the bits

Alexey’s Dayton – All the bits